Quick contact info

The team at ACE has an experience of more than 20 years in Oil and Gas, Petrochemicals, Power, Substation and Infrastructure projects and specializes in the field of Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Piping and other Electro-Mechanical works.

icon_widget_image Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm; Satuday: 10ap to 2pm icon_widget_image Fourth floor, Building 20, Street 940, Doha Qatar icon_widget_image +974 50574427 +974 50574427 icon_widget_image info@aceitcqatar.com info@aceitcqatar.com


Deep Experience

The team at ACE has an experience of more than 20 years in Oil and Gas, Petrochemicals, Power, Substation and Infrastructure projects and specializes in the field of Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Piping and other Electro-Mechanical works.

Broad Capabilities, Specialist Knowledge

ACE International is structured into a number of specialistdivisions each focused upon a particular engineeringdiscipline. Unified by strategic principles these divisionstogether provide a broad range of core capabilities.

Long Term Business Relationships

We believe that business should be conducted fairly andopenly: testimony to which is the long term businessrelationships we have with our clients, many of whichspan decades of mutual trust and respect.

Health, Safety & Environment

Respect for the environment and protecting the healthand wellbeing of our staff and those with whom wework is at the center of all we do.


Every client has different priorities and each projectspecific value drivers; particularly in the 21st Centurywhere forces of globalization, sustainability andcompetition impact all businesses. We work collaboratively with clients to optimize value from project budgets by considering a range ofengineering options.

On Time

We understand that delivering a project late can haveserious implications for our client. ACE International hasestablished a reputation for delivering challenging,complex projects on time.

One size doesn’t fit all

Each project is unique. At ACE International we spend timeto really understand the requirements to ensure eachclient receives a bespoke service, tailored to their needs.